This Friday, November 10th, the NICKEFFECT project will be present at the IRISS online workshop, focused on the Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) approach. This workshop will showcase how Horizon Europe (HE) projects are adopting the SSbD approach and will foster collaboration among SSbD projects. The event will commence with presentations from IRISS, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the NanoSafety Cluster (NSC), and PARC, providing insights into the SSbD framework, the evolving SSbD roadmap at IRISS, and the ongoing development of the SSbD toolbox at PARC. Subsequently, HE projects, including NICKEFFECT, will present their SSbD implementation efforts, followed by a panel discussion featuring selected representatives, aimed at gathering input and suggestions for aligning and focusing SSbD efforts and IRISS support. Especially aimed at Horizon Europe projects that want or are implementing this approach, overall this workshop will serve to strengthen the impact of the SSbD community and also showcase best practices from different projects. Representing NICKEFFECT...
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