Since the NICKEFFECT projects aims at replacing platinum catalyst based PEM Fuel Cell (FC) cathodes by porous graphite electrodes that are covered with nickel alloy (nano-)particles, the plating process for creating these nickel nuclei populations must be properly understood and controlled. Same as for Water Electrolysis (WE) cells, the use of porous electrodes allows creating a high surface to volume ratio. The throwing power of a full coverage nickel alloy plating process into a porous structure as for example a carbon fiber cloth is limited (WE cathodes), and the same holds for a nucleation plating process into a porous carbon structure (FC cathodes). But whereas the main specifications in case of a full coverage nickel alloy plating process for WE cathodes involve primarily the local plating layer thickness and alloy content, for FC cathodes practically all local characteristics of the nuclei population are of importance, involving nuclei density, nuclei size...
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