NICKEFFECT aims to develop novel ferromagnetic Ni-based coating materials to replace the scarce and costly Platinum and ensure high efficiency in key applications.

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On the 12nd and 13rd of December, all NICKEFFECT partners got together at the Matgenix offices, located in A6K, in Charleroi, Belgium, to held the last Consortium Meeting of this year and go through the first Review Meeting of the project, in a moment that marks the first year and a half since its beginning.   The multidisciplinary NICKEFFECT team, composed by 12 partners from 7 different EU and HEU-associated countries, had the opportunity to, on the 12nd of December, have a full day meeting with fruitful discussions about the current state of the NICKEFFECT project. Click here to get to know all the entities participating in this HE (Horizon Europe) Project.   The objectives of the project as a whole (as well as the different goals of each of the work packages) were reviewed, a status assessment was carried out on the work done by the several partners since June 2022 and the...

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Functional materials are at the center of most technologies of our everyday life: cell phones, solar cells, batteries, thermoelectric devices, digital storage, catalysis, and many other applications need at least one material fulfilling a task through its intrinsic physical properties. Finding a material well-suited for a given application is far from trivial. Indeed, even though close to 300 000 crystal structures have been reported today, less than 1 percent of those materials have been characterized for any measurable property.    The mapping between crystal structures and physical properties is very far from completely known. Such mapping has to be constructed by characterizing known (or even unknown) materials. The traditional approach is to try and synthetize materials in lab conditions and measure their properties. When looking for a new material for a given application, the next step is to assess whether it is worth pursuing with this material or if another one should...

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