NICKEFFECT aims to develop novel ferromagnetic Ni-based coating materials to replace the scarce and costly Platinum and ensure high efficiency in key applications.

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AI4AM 2024 Tag

The NICKEFFECT project participated in the Artificial Intelligence for Advanced Materials Conference (AI4AM 2024), held from July 2nd to 4th in the city of Barcelona, Spain. This cross-disciplinary international event brought together top experts from industry and research institutions who utilise Artificial Intelligence (AI) to advance discoveries in materials science. The conference's main goal is to refine automated designs for both structural and electronic material models in engineering, focusing on improving interoperability among material databases and enabling reverse material engineering.   Konrad Eiler, from NICKEFFECT's project partner Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, did a presentation on the active learning approach used to accelerate experiments as part of the project. Konrad gave some insights on the practical benefits of the Active Learning methodology in guiding experimentalists to find the best conditions for growing Ni-W films for catalysis.     Active Learning in Materials Science   Konrad's presentation highlighted how AI, particularly Active Learning, significantly aids experimentalists in determining optimal...

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