NICKEFFECT aims to develop novel ferromagnetic Ni-based coating materials to replace the scarce and costly Platinum and ensure high efficiency in key applications.

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CIDETEC participation at Workshop on Sustainable Materials

CIDETEC participation at Workshop on Sustainable Materials

On November 21, 2023, Elena Jubete, representing CIDETEC partner, attended the Workshop on Sustainable Materials, organised by AMI2030 & EMIRI in San Sebastián, Spain. This event brought together experts, researchers, and industry professionals to discuss and showcase advancements in sustainable materials.


Elena Jubete’s contribution to the workshop was marked by her presentation on “Greener Pathways for Surface Treatments and Composite Materials.” The speech provided valuable insights into CIDETEC’s involvement in the NICKEFFECT project. The audience gained a deeper understanding of environmentally friendly approaches to surface treatments and composite materials, aligning with the broader theme of circularity in materials research.


In addition to the speech, a roll-up display featuring key information about the NICKEFFECT project was showcased, capturing the attention of attendees and fostering engagement with the project’s objectives and outcomes. The NICKEFFECT activities related to Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) were also highlighted during the round table discussions, underlining the project’s commitment to responsible and eco-friendly practices.


The workshop, which attracted an audience of around 70 people, comprised members of the scientific community, including higher education and research institutions, industry professionals, and the general public. The diverse audience reflected the workshop’s inclusive approach to fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.


The Workshop on Sustainable Materials was a part of the broader activities organised by AMI2030 & EMIRI. The event featured presentations from various stakeholders, including Tekniker, Tecnalia, Azterlan, CIC energiGUNE, and Naturklima, shedding light on their activities and projects related to sustainable materials.


The workshop also provided an exhibition area for stakeholders to showcase their projects and activities in the sustainable materials domain, and this collaborative space allowed participants to connect, share ideas, and explore potential partnerships.


Following the morning session, participants were invited to join a lab tour of CIDETEC, providing firsthand insights into the areas of energy storage, nanomedicine, and surfaces. The interactive tour offered a unique opportunity for attendees to witness the practical applications of sustainable materials research.