NICKEFFECT’s Kick-off Meeting in San Sebastián
The new NICKEFFECT project – Ni-based ferromagnetic coatings with enhanced efficiency to replace Pt in energy & digital storage applications – held its kick-off meeting at the beginning of June 2022, hosted by CIDETEC, the project coordinators.
The 12-partner multidisciplinary consortium team (CIDETEC, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Elsyca, IRES, ANSYS, Matgenix, CEA, Advanced Energy, Singulus Technologies, F6S and Asociación Española de Normalización) gathered for two days in San Sebastián, Spain.
The main focus of the meeting was to discuss in detail the objectives and work plan of this new 48-month project, co-funded by the European Commission. It was also a great opportunity for everyone to meet each other in person and establish a deeper personal connection.
During the first day and a half, all the partners presented the specific objectives of their Work Packages, as well as an initial plan on how and when to achieve the desired milestones and results. Important questions were raised, suggestions were given, and synergies were immediately created between technical partners and the Work Packages they contribute to.
In the afternoon of the second day, the hosts took the project partners on a guided tour through the facilities of the CIDETEC Surface Engineering. During the visit, participants could see all the different researches CIDETEC currently carries out, concerning the development of coating materials and more.
Running until June of 2026, NICKEFFECT will focus on developing novel ferromagnetic Ni-based coating materials to replace the scarce and costly Platinum and ensure high efficiency in key applications.
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