NICKEFFECT aims to develop novel ferromagnetic Ni-based coating materials to replace the scarce and costly Platinum and ensure high efficiency in key applications.

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Developing new materials involves navigating a series of complex decisions. For example:   Should the focus be on improving performance or reducing cost? How will manufacturing processes impact material properties? What trade-offs are acceptable in terms of sustainability or production timelines?   Every choice impacts the final material and its applications. Materials modelling, and in particular multiscale materials modelling, aims to improve this process by linking simulations across different scales, providing a detailed understanding of how decisions at the micro or nanoscale affect macroscopic performance. However, to be effective, modelling tools must not only generate accurate predictions but also support practical decision-making [1,2].   Requirements for Effective Multiscale Materials Modelling Frameworks   For multiscale materials modelling to enhance decision-making, the tools must address key needs [1,2]:   Integrated Modelling Across Scales: Material behaviour and property are often dominated by phenomena occurring at different scales, therefore the system should seamlessly connect models at different scales, such as atomic-level simulations,...

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The use of standardisation in research and innovation projects aims to increase the impact and significance of the results obtained by including them in new standards. This helps to make them more accessible to industry, regulators and society at large, transferring knowledge generated in research to the market. This is in line with the European Policy on Knowledge Valorisation and the ERA Code of Practice on Standardisation, which recommend using tools such as standardisation, among others, to make research results benefit economic activity, welfare and safety in Europe.   The participation of a dedicated partner such as UNE (Spanish Association for Standardization) makes it easier for projects to develop this type of activity. UNE has already participated in more than a hundred European projects, obtaining results such as the publication of more than 60 CWAs (CEN-CENELEC Workshop Agreement), creation of working groups (WG) in CEN, contribution to standards or revision of ISO...

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ADVENT Technologies is poised to capitalize on the growing opportunities in the Water Electrolysis WE market. Although the WE sector, along with its related fuel cell technologies, remains relatively small compared to other industries such as automotive, ADVENT sees immense potential for expansion.   This growth outlook is reinforced by the increasing focus on sustainability and the potential EU ban on PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), which are used in many conventional electrolyzers. A key driver of ADVENT’s strategy in this space is its involvement in the NICKEFFECT project, a consortium focused on developing innovative, PGM-free (Platinum Group Metals) for water electrolysis technologies.   ADVENT plans to leverage the outcomes of NICKEFFECT to establish a stronger presence in the WE market and take a leadership role in the industry.  ADVENT will use its involvement in the NICKEFFECT consortium as a platform to promote its expertise and new product offerings. By collaborating with industry leaders...

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The chemical risk is a combination of hazard and exposure. Once the risk is assessed, either reducing the hazard or the level of exposure should mitigated it. In occupational health and safety, the "STOP principle" is applied. It defines the hierarchy of protective measures and groups them. The abbreviation STOP stands for Substitution, Technical measures, Organizational and Personal protective equipment.   Substitution approach   Eliminating or reducing risks before they are introduced into the workplace is the most effective way of a mitigation management. Both products and processes could be safe-by design. For example it is possible to replace hazardous substance by less hazardous, to replace powders by pellets or to replace manual by automatic process…   Technical (engineering) control   Installing technical control will remove the hazard at the source, before the workers are exposed. It is a very reliable way to control exposure as long as they are well-designed, used, and maintained. For example, it is...

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