The chemical risk is a combination of hazard and exposure. Once the risk is assessed, either reducing the hazard or the level of exposure should mitigated it. In occupational health and safety, the "STOP principle" is applied. It defines the hierarchy of protective measures and groups them. The abbreviation STOP stands for Substitution, Technical measures, Organizational and Personal protective equipment. Substitution approach Eliminating or reducing risks before they are introduced into the workplace is the most effective way of a mitigation management. Both products and processes could be safe-by design. For example it is possible to replace hazardous substance by less hazardous, to replace powders by pellets or to replace manual by automatic process… Technical (engineering) control Installing technical control will remove the hazard at the source, before the workers are exposed. It is a very reliable way to control exposure as long as they are well-designed, used, and maintained. For example, it is...
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